My Documentary is based on the bristol trip that we took part in, the film shows various scenes of the joureny and some of my favorite museums exibits. I molded my film footage around two songs, the first song is a hip hop track which i thought was good to start to the documentary. The first track reminds me of traveling in convoy which is why i was so persistent to capture the feeling by combining some of the footage i had of the joureny with this song. The second track is one of Laid blacks most popular songs, its based on love, humanity and how bristol doesnt have to be that nasty place people say it is. I made this documentary becuase i wanted to express that things could be much better if we all had a litlle more faith in humanity and other people becuase things arent as always bad as they seem. I didnt use much in the way of equipment other than my digital camera but at one point my camera ran out of battery power so i also used my ipod to film some of the documentary. Becuase i originally had a different idea for my documentary all of my planning and reasearch was based on my other idea including my film teaser trailer. I dont normally watch what people would think of conventional documentarys but i enjoy watching some of Charlie veitchs videos documenting society and how some police officers dont know the law as well as they should. I also have watched a Documentary about some of my favorite music artists and their everyday life. The research has definitely helped becuase it has shown me what to base my film on and has even changed the roots of my Documentary compleatly. This research into Charlie veitchs videos changed my stimulus of my short film from being music related to being about society instead. In the end i am quite pleased with my end product although next time i would make sure i have enough battery power for my camera so i wont have to use my ipod which wont result with some of my film footage being in different sizes.
My finished Documentary:
My Teaser trailer: